Saturday, June 26, 2010

Comments 3 Teachers

Miss She's blog was very inspiring to read. She does not blog that often, but she puts a lot of thought into what she does post. The first post that I commented on was a video that she had found. It was about the environment and waste disposal. It was very interesting and I encourage people to watch it. The second and third post of her that I read pertained more to education and teaching. Her second post was about Task Boards that she has in her classroom. I would like to take the ideas that she uses with her Task Board to implement into my classroom. In her third post she talked about Twitter and the great advantages that it has in the classroom. She discussed how she has so many resources because of Twitter. She sounds like a great teacher with a great classroom.

1 comment:

  1. It's great that you mentioned that although Miss She doesn't post a lot, she does post significant things. That's a good observation and shows that people don't need to always be writing something on their blogs just to prove they have something interesting to say.

    The Task Board sounds really neat. I'd like to learn more about that.

    I've started using Twitter because I heard so many people have made such great connections with it. I hope I'll be able to do the same.
